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​Who am I?

​My creativity was nurtured from an early age by my grandfather who was an artist. He always encouraged me, taught me the complexities of perspective and the subtleties of watercolor washes, which was his favorite medium.

It was in my small rural two classroom primary school that I quickly became the artist of the class. Head drawer for school murals, and my text books were painstakingly decorated around the edges. I started a craze for outlining everything with black pen and creating elaborate titles.


As I grew older my passion and need to draw did not go away, I started to doodle in my spare time, creating complex characters and monsters in detailed montages. And so Becky-Boo was born, the name for me portrays the cute yet sometimes disturbing images I create. There’s always a surprise when you look a little closer, or something you didn't notice last time.


What inspires my work?


Everything! The world around me and the impossible, fantastic and twisted worlds of my rampant imagination.


Inspiration can come from dancing shadows on an old brick wall, the colour combinations on a bit of packaging or a puddle on the sidewalk.


I read books obsessively and I love being transported to another world and culture. I am also constantly trolling the internet on blogs, tumblr and pinterest being inspired by all the amazing and talented artists out there.


I surround myself with images, and wait for a couple of random thoughts to spark together to create an idea that becomes an artwork.

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